Gardenering Hint's from

Gardener's Delight Nursery, Barnstaple, North Devon

Our lastest award! We were awarded the Curators award for our show garden display at the RHS Rosemoor Garden show 2023... Available Now Purchase trees directly from our nursery selected to grow in North Devon, with a range of heights and shapes to suit your needs.

Current Hints and Tips

April Hints/tips

  • This is one of the best months plant trees and ornamental shrubs.
  • Hardy herbaceous perennial plants can be cut back and new ones planted, these will provide colour for years to come.
  • Weed and mulch borders to save both time and water later in the summer.
  • Sow bedding plant seeds in a heated propagator.
  • You can also sow Tomatoes.
  • Plant Spring flowering Pansies.
  • Firm back into the soil any Alpines that have been lifted by frost and rain.
  • Sow Broad Beans, Carrots , Parsnips under cloches. Sow Onions & Leeks in a propagator.
  • Parsley can be sown in a seed tray.
  • Cut off summer fruiting raspberries to a bud above the top wire, and cut to ground level autumn fruiting varieties.
  • Continue to prune established fruit trees.

May Hints/tips

  • Dead head pansy and violas to stop seeding and extend the flower period
  • Plant out new borders with summer and autumn flowering perennials
  • Any young bedding plants can start to be hardened off outside but cover at night with horticultural fleece or bring back into a frost free building at night.
  • As the month warms up, towards the end of May, summer bedding plants can be planted out
  • Fill and make up hanging baskets inside ready to put out in early June
  • Plant young vegetable plants into vegetable garden, raised planters etc
  • Sow runner beans in trays to plant out in June
  • Put up the runner bean frame work ready for the beans
  • Sow a window box with salad leaves and do this every 4 weeks

Spring range products

Alstroemeria Indian Summer

Unique bronzed foliage with sunset coloured blooms, perfect for borders, containers and cut flower.
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Geum Totally Tangerine

Noted for its long flowering season. Peachy orange flowers.
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Iris Bearded Benton Susan

A buff yellow flowering Iris, with golden veining and orange beards. Flowering in Spring.
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Iris Sibirica Silver Edge

Pot size 2 ltr Iris Silver Edge has elegant, mid-blue flowers are finely rimmed with white and gently ruffled.
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Nepeta Cats Pajamas

Rounded habit with dark flower stems and a mass of indigo-blue flowers and rosy-purple calyxes.
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Spring/Summer flowering plants from Gardener's Delight Nursery

Alstroemeria Indian Summer
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Geum Totally Tangerine
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Iris Bearded Benton Susan
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Iris Sibirica Silver Edge
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Nepeta Cats Pajamas
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Buy locally grown trees from Gardener's Delight Nursery

Trees add a whole new layer to your garden by adding height. Their attractive leaves and flowers provide a pallet of colours throughout the year. By planting trees you are also helping the biodiversity in your area. Our staff will be able to help you choose a tree suitable for your location and soil.

Fruit Tree's

Prunus text tree Jacquemontii
Our range includes :-
  • Apple Scrumptious
  • Apple Kidd's Orange Red
  • Apple cox self fertile
  • Apple Bountiful
  • Pear Concorde
  • Plum Victoria

See our range of Fruit Tree's ,planting hints and after care tips

Ornamental Tree's

Prunus text tree Jacquemontii
Our range includes :-
  • Acer platanoides 'Crimson King'
  • Prunus Amanogawa
  • Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
  • Cercis Forest pansy
  • Malus candymint

See our range of Ornamental Tree's ,planting hints and after care tips

Future Hints and Tips

June Hints/tips

  • As the weather warms up keep on top of weeding as they will appear & grow in a couple of days.
  • Hoeing on dry days works wonders as it also allows air into the top surface and keeps it open for watering.
  • Apply a good thick layer of mulch around plants to reduce the weeds but preserve the moisture in the soil
  • Acer bushes will have some dead ends, prune these back to a good leaf joint.
  • Plant up hanging baskets & planters with a splash of colourful summer bedding plants. My favourites are tuberous upright & trailing begonias as they dead head themselves.
  • Vegetable Garden
  • Sow or plant runner beans early in the month, they will soon overtake those planted when it was too cold.
  • Sow salad leaves, this can be in a large pot or trough and repeat every 2 to 3 weeks.v
  • Plant out courgettes and sow some winter squash
  • Sow a row of peas and repeat in 2 weeks
  • Towards the end of June plant Leeks, this helps to stop them from bolting
  • Dig the first early potatoes
  • Lawns
  • Cut on high settings as to short and the weeds will come in
  • Apply a lawn feed but water in if it doesn’t rain
  • Fork any areas that are constantly used as path ways or were always wet in winter to reduce compaction
  • Re seed areas that have died off
  • Visit and support your local independent nursery as their knowledgeable staff will always give advice freely and the plants that they grow are the ones that will grow in your area the best.

July Hints/tips

  • Water & liquid feed summer bedding plants regularly for long lasting blooms.
  • Dead head summer bedding plants.
  • Dead head roses and keep an eye out for green fly, soapy water works well in reducing numbersv
  • Plant herbaceous perennials for long lasting colour, and mark or plan areas that will need to redesign or plant later in the year. Include in your plans a tree to plant in the autumn a great way of reducing your carbon footprint
  • Reduce how often you cut the grass as the weather heats up, slightly longer grass will hold moisture closer to the soil surface, or leave an area to grow and set seed for the wild life
  • Vegetable Garden
  • Start to crop all those delicious vegetables you have been growing
  • It was a very cold spring and many seeds did not germinate, make a note for next year and watch your local weather before sowing, later sown vegetables always catch up the early ones.
  • Take out side shoots on tomatoes and feed regularly
  • Plant winter squash and kale this month
  • Summer prune Apple and pear trees
  • Protect soft fruits from birds
  • Sit back and enjoy the effort you have put into your garden over the year and be inspired by the wonders of nature that you have helped along the way

August Hints/tips

  • Look for gaps in planters and beds and replant with late season bedding and summer flowering perennials.v
  • Liquid feed planters and hanging baskets every day with a week strength feed.
  • Plant summer flowering perennials that are in flower, this will allow you to see the colours.
  • Keep on top of weeds so that they do not seed for next years weeds
  • Lift potatoes and use don't store
  • Pick runner beans, even if you don't want them.
  • Start to plan autumn and winter displays or improvements to your garden for next year.

September Hints/tips

  • Dead head perennials to keep them flowering
  • Fill the gaps that appear with late flowering perennials..
  • Purchase spring flower bulbs, plant some in pots to place in borders if unexpected gaps appear in the spring.
  • Start to harvest apples and pears storing only fruit that is not bruised.
  • Tie in new summer fruiting raspberry cane and cut off the canes that fruited this year.
  • Plant some Charlotte potatoes under black plastic to crop at Christmas.
  • Raise the mower settings and apply an Autumn feed and weed on lawns, air-ate areas that have compacted such as pathways and children play areas.
  • Towards the end of the month start to plant winter bedding plants.


What Our Clients Say!

About Us

     Gardeners Delight Nursery is situated on the outskirts of Barnstaple, North Devon, on a beautiful 5 acre plot.
    We have been growing for over 25 years, and have helped our local towns and businesses gain both gold national and international awards with our stunning flower displays for Britain in Bloom.
    Our traditional growing plant nursery is based on the outskirts of Barnstaple at Roundswell and we still grow over 90% of the plants that we sell.
    As an independent local family run plant centre, we grow over 1000 different varieties of plants including, shrubs, climbers, herbaceous perennials, ornamental and fruit trees as well as bulbs, bedding and vegetable plants.
    As we grow such a large proportion of the plants we sell our plants are suited to the local Devon climate and are of the highest quality at affordable prices.
Whether you are a novice or experienced gardener our friendly trained staff are on hand to assist you.

Visit Us Today!

Map here soon

1 Mile from Roundswell roundabout(Sainsburys) Towards Eastleigh on the Old BideFord Road.
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