Gardener's Delight Nursery, Barnstaple, North Devon

Useing bulbs for lawn nuturasing by
Gardener Delight Nursery

Autumn Bulbs For Sale

Plant Bulbs now for a nutural wildflower lawn

A delight of spring are Drifts of daffodils, snowdrops and crocus. they are simple to create and will last for many years. The only drawback of growing bulbs in grass is that you cannot cut the grass for six weeks after the bulbs have flowered (chop off the foliage earlier and next year's flowering will be adversely affected). This can be overcome by choosing early-flowering varieties, or creating a mixed area with summer flowering plants and wild flowers.

bulb in lawns

Posted on September 1, 2018 at 12:00 PM

Bulbs to plant to naturise a lawn

  • Fritillaria MELEAGRIS (snakes head):flowers from plum to white
  • Bluebell
  • Dwarf Narcissi
  • Snowdrops

Planting tips for bulbs in lawn

This method works equally well in borders as in lawns and wildflower areas: (from RHS) When planting bulbs for naturalising,
  • scatter them randomly over the chosen area and plant them where they fall. As these bulbs will be in place for several years, check that the bulbs are not very close to each other as overcrowding will reduce flowering.
  • Dig planting holes with a trowel or, in grassed areas, use a bulb planter. The holes need to be about three times the depth of the bulb, as shallow planting tends to weaken the bulbs because they are more prone to drying out.
  • Break up some of the soil from the plug of turf removed with the bulb planter, and use this to backfill around the bulb once it is in the hole.
  • Replace the turf on the top of the hole. Aim to make the top of the turf plug level with the surrounding lawn surface.

Collect your autumn bulb Today!

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1 Mile from Roundswell roundabout(Sainsburys) Towards Eastleigh on the Old BideFord Road.

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Drifts of daffodils, snowdrops and crocus in open grass are one of the classic signs of spring. Although they look like the work of nature, they are simple to create and will last for many years. The drawback of growing bulbs in grass is that you cannot cut the grass for six weeks after the bulbs have flowered. selection of the right bulbs

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Gardeners Delight Nursey has 25+ years in providing IT services to top-ranked profession services companies. Following a move to Barnstaple in Devon, it now concentration on building websites for small local business. It will only work with one business type per geographic area its Services include online competitive reviews, website development and social media marketing.